US Motors M02203/Z11L284076PF

Get full specifications on US Motors M02203/Z11L284076PF
- General Details
- Technical Details
- Area Classification
- Performance
- Speed Range
- Misc
- HP: 2
- Frame: 145T
- Enclosure: TEFC
- RPM: 1800
- HP: 2
- Frame: 145T
- Enclosure: TEFC
- Efficiency: Premium Efficiency
- RPM: 1800
- Voltage: 575
- Full Load Speed: 1740
- Voltage: 575
M02203/Z11L284076PF Crossovers
WEG HT002504P

- Category: General Purpose
- HP: 2
- Voltage: 575
- Frame: 145T
- Enclosure: TEFC
- Efficiency: High Efficiency
- Hertz: 60
- RPM: 1800
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